If you’re a developer, builder or surveyor managing a subdivision or multi-res development, you need to be across all the relevant steps and requirements involved in getting the new dwellings NBN ready. But this is not easy! The technology is constantly evolving, and the rules often change. This creates uncertainty and can lead to mistakes being made—which is why a large percentage of project managers choose to outsource the entire process.
For those who are on the fence about hiring a telecommunications contractor, if you do decide to handle it yourself, be sure to do your homework so you know the process and timings in advance and can plan accordingly. In particular, there are some common mistakes we have seen cause major cost and time blowouts. So, in this article we share our top 3 mistakes to avoid when getting a new home NBN ready.

1) Getting your application wrong
The first step in the process is to lodge your NBN New Developments Application. You can do this online, and you will need the relevant information on hand, including your AutoCAD drawings (if applicable) along with the locations and lengths.
There are actually two costly mistakes we see people make when completing their applications: submitting it to the wrong provider and getting the timings wrong. Make sure you check which provider services the area before you submit the application, otherwise you’ll waste precious time. And be sure to get the application in early—it will take a minimum of three months for small projects and six months for larger ones for the application to be processed, so don’t leave this until the last minute.

2) Problems with the infrastructure
Telecommunications is a specialised and complex field and all works should be completed by a suitably experienced and qualified technician. This is especially true when it comes to completing the infrastructure for the NBN connection.
The infrastructure must be completed exactly as shown on the plan. The work will be inspected prior to your final certificate being issued and if there are any discrepancies, it will need to be redone to match the plan. This is obviously going to cost you plenty in lost time and money, which is why getting it right the first time is so important.

3) Trouble getting VC81 compliance paperwork
As you near the end of the project and everything starts coming together, the last thing you need is a small but complicated task to put a spanner in the works. But that’s exactly what can happen with the VC81 compliance paperwork.
Most councils in Victoria require the VC81 before they’ll release the Statement of Compliance. For it to go smoothly you’ll need to make sure you lodge it with the right provider, have all the relevant papers, have completed the works (to the exact standard) and have had them inspected and certified. You’re then ready to follow the steps to lodge the documentation. The lodgement itself is complex, which is why completing and lodging the VC81 is offered as a standalone service as well as part of the complete telecommunications and compliance solution.

Help is at hand
When it comes to getting your new development NBN ready, if you decide to go it alone, it’s important to be aware of the potential pitfalls so you can avoid the common mistakes.
And if you’d like to save yourself time and avoid the stress altogether, you may choose to engage a telecommunications contractor to help you through the entire process.
If you’d like to find out how our team can handle all aspects of getting your development NBN ready, please get in touch on 03 8592 8100 anytime for an obligation-free chat about your project.