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3 Ways We Save Electricians Time, Money and Headaches on New Developments

As telecommunications technology continues to evolve, it can be an ongoing battle just to keep up—especially for electricians and other trades who work in and around telecommunications, but may not have access to the regular, ongoing training required to keep up to speed on both the technology and the legislative requirements.

This skills gap can be a problem for electricians working on new developments who are assigned the task of getting the property NBN-ready. While some have the required skills and expertise to accurately plan and implement the necessary infrastructure to the level required to meet compliance, for others this is a task that can cause massive issues and headaches trying to get it right. 

The good news for sparkies is that you don’t need to do it yourself—a telecommunications contractor can handle the entire process (or parts of it) for you. And best of all, outsourcing the task can even save you time and money in the long run. So if you’re a tradie who is tired of wrangling with telecommunications on site and just wants to get it done with minimum fuss, read on to learn 3 ways we save electricians time, money and headaches.


We know the technology and the legal requirements

These days, we rely on telecommunications in our homes and workplaces more than ever. To reflect this, there is now a requirement that every new home built must be NBN-ready before a certificate of occupancy can be issued. This means the developer or builder is responsible for making sure the design and infrastructure is completed so that the new home is ready for connection to the NBN before the new tenants can move in. 

At times, the builder or developer may assign this task to you as the electrician. In this case, you should only proceed with completing the work if you have the knowledge, skills and tools to complete all aspects of the task accurately. If any of the work fails to comply in even the smallest detail, you will end up spending more time and money on fixing it. Worse case scenario, you might end up needing to redo the whole thing. If you’re pushed for time or have any doubt about getting it 100% right, you are far better off outsourcing to a team who know the technology and legals inside out, so you can be confident it is done right the first time.


Get the property NBN-ready faster

Our team is skilled, experienced and equipped with all the right gear to tackle the job. From our qualified designers who create plans to meet the exact requirements of all network providers to our installation team who expertly handle all aspects of excavation, pit and pipe installation and pre-wiring, right through to our support staff who make sure that all required documentation is completed correctly, sent to the right place and followed up regularly so it is processed in a timely way.

If you are trying to manage and complete the multiple stages required on your own, while also juggling the rest of your workload, it can be a recipe for disaster. Even if you have a good basic understanding of how it all works, when you’re multitasking and racing the clock, there’s a high chance you’ll hit a few bumps along the way that will slow you down and cost you money. In this case, it’s the efficiency and reliability of outsourcing to an experienced team that makes it good value. 


Infrastructure in place can be handy

Another bonus of working with a telecommunication contractor is that they can often take the hard work out of digging trenches and pits. With the digging done and plans complete with accurate measurements, you have the option to also use the open trenches for other services. Depending on the project, this can save you a huge amount of time, money and effort.

5Is outsourcing the right choice?

While it is always more appealing (in theory at least) to see a job through and finish it yourself, when outsourcing will save you time, stress and money, it is likely the smarter option. 

Like to find out more about our services and how we can help? Contact our friendly team for an obligation-free chat on 03 8592 8100.

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