When it comes to the NBN network infrastructure required for new developments, it’s important to understand which design and build guidelines are relevant to your project from the outset. So how do you know which is the right type for you?
In this article we break down the different kinds of NBN network infrastructure available in Australia, and explain when they are applicable, to help you discover which design and build guidelines apply to your project.
Lead-in conduits (LIC)

Image: nbn™ via https://www.nbnco.com.au/develop-or-plan-with-the-nbn/new-developments/design-build-install/lead-in-conduit
Commonly used in single-storey homes, subdivided homes and duplexes, lead-in conduits (LICs) are connected to the NBN access network directly from the front boundary of the property. Installed underground, they run from the property boundary to the external telecommunications point of the dwelling. They are not used in projects where the development includes private roads, or in those that require additional specialised services with an NBN connection such as fire alarms, security systems or elevator phone lines.
Pit and pipe

Image: nbn™ via https://www.nbnco.com.au/develop-or-plan-with-the-nbn/new-developments/design-build-install/pit-and-pipe
Like LICs, pit and pipe network infrastructure are conduits that are installed underground, but instead of connecting to the external network directly, they connect to shared local network pits. Pit and pipe is commonly used for residential developments with multiple premises, including those where new roads have been built as part of the development. Residential examples include multiple standalone dwellings, adjoined dwellings, horizontal Multi-Dwelling Units (MDUs), townhouses, superlots and retirement villages. They are also suited to commercial projects such as schools and hospitals.

Image: nbn™ via https://www.nbnco.com.au/develop-or-plan-with-the-nbn/new-developments/design-build-install/pathway
If your development involves multi-storey buildings, it’s likely you’ll require pathways. This type of network infrastructure is made up of conduits and cable trays installed into the walls of a building or structure. It is generally used in developments with multiple commercial premises on site, for example, high-rise apartments and residential units with a basement. Pathways are also suitable for buildings which require services with additional NBN connections, such as fire alarms, security systems and elevator phone lines.
Relocation works

There are a range of circumstances where relocation of the existing network infrastructure may be required, such as subdivisions and knockdown rebuilds. Typical relocation works can include relocation of the aerial network underground, or upgrading from fibre to the curb to fibre to the premises. It is absolutely essential that any alteration, removal or other works conducted on NBN assets and infrastructure is completed by an authorised contractor. Any unauthorised works could land you in serious trouble and leave you subject to legal action.
The right advice can save you
If you’re managing a development, it’s essential you have a clear understanding of your responsibilities for designing and building the correct NBN network infrastructure. It pays to get expert advice and assistance early, and MCS Connect has the knowledge and experience to complete all types of NBN network infrastructure to the highest standard. With the right telecommunications partner working alongside you, you’ll avoid unnecessary delays and issues, and keep your development running smoothly.
To find out how we can help with telecommunications installations on your next project, get in touch with our team on 03 8592 8100 for a no-obligation chat, or submit a quote application online anytime and we’ll get back to you soon.