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5 Tips to Getting Your Development nbn-Ready on Schedule

There are lots of moving parts to line up when planning and delivering a residential development. Correctly timing the different elements becomes crucial, as delays in one area can quickly have a snowball effect in others. On top of this, you are reliant on external contractors and organisations delivering works, permits and other necessities before you can progress to the next stage. Allowing enough time for this is a must, if you are to avoid unnecessary hold ups.

In recent years, it has become mandatory that all new developments are nbn ready on completion, and this is yet another critical aspect of the project that must now be factored in. Due to the complicated nature of telecommunications, many developers and builders choose to outsource this aspect to a specialist contractor. However, even if you are outsourcing, it’s essential that you allow enough time for the planning, works and application to be complete. There’s nothing more frustrating than having the job done, only to be waiting on final approval on network connection before you can receive your certificate of occupancy. 

So to help you in your planning, we’ve put together this handy guide with 5 tips to get your development nbn-ready on schedule.

Tip 1: Partner up early


When you’re in the early planning stages of engaging all the trades and professionals you need to get your development designed and built to the highest standards, be sure to include a telecommunications contractor in the mix too. In the overall scheme of things, they are just as essential as your builder, architect, electrician, plumber and all the other building partners that collaborate with you to deliver the big and small necessary elements of your build.

Tip 2: Choose your partner wisely


Like any professional service, when it comes to telecommunications contractors, there are the good, the bad and the in between. Be sure to do your due diligence and only partner with the best. This is one aspect of the build that needs to be millimetre perfect with zero room for any errors or variations. The works will be inspected and if they are found to differ from the plans or not meet nbnco’s very high standards, they’ll need to be rectified, and this can add unnecessary extra time, cost and frustration onto your project.

Tip 3: Get your application in earlyblueprint

You’ll need to submit your application and plans a minimum of 3 months prior to expected completion for small sub-divisions (two lots), and a minimum of 6 months prior for larger developments. Be mindful that this is the minimum time suggested by nbnco, and there is no guarantee your application will be ready by then. So we highly recommend getting it in sooner where possible to give yourself a buffer in case there are delays. 

Tip 4: Accept terms to get things moving 


step31-1As soon as you hear back from nbnco with regards to terms and charges, accept the terms and make payment as soon as possible so you can get the ball rolling. Once you do so, you will be  sent a letter of conditional approval and your onsite works can begin.

Tip 5: Let your partners take care of it 

underground wires

If you’ve engaged a telecommunications contractor, they will take care of the designing of plans and completion of site works to the exact requirements of the nbn standards. An experienced contractor will keep you informed on exactly what needs to be done and when, to ensure your project stays on track at all times. This is a massive bonus as it takes the stress of getting your head around the technicalities off your shoulders, and frees up your valuable time to keep the other aspects ticking along. And if you’ve chosen well, everything will be completed exactly as it should be first time, so when the final inspection occurs, you’ll get no unexpected surprises.

Getting the right help is worth its weight in gold

With the many balls to juggle on a new development, your choice in building partners can be the difference between a smooth and easy project and a nightmare. This is true for your telecommunications contractor too, so be sure to take the time and effort to find someone you can trust to get the job done right to the highest standard, first time. It will go a long way in keeping your project on track and getting the nbn works completed on schedule, so you avoid frustrating delays at the finish line.

If you have a question about the article, or would like to find out more about our services and how we can help, contact our friendly team for an obligation-free chat on 03 8592 8100.

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