Today, most councils in Melbourne now require developers and project managers to submit a Traffic Management Plan for any works on or along a road, street, lane or footpath. So, if you are managing works that impact road or foot traffic, it is almost certain you will need to submit one before your event or works can proceed.
It is critical you fully understand your compliance and safety responsibilities so that you can avoid issues or delays. As a general rule, you will need to submit an online application for the works along with a Traffic Management Plan that is true and correct, and has been prepared by a qualified person. Submitting your application and plan correctly and in a timely manner can often be the difference between a project that runs smoothly or having costly and unprofessional delays.
To assist you to tick this aspect off your list with minimal fuss, in this article, we explain the process and steps to take to comply with council requirements for Traffic Management Plans in Melbourne.
What is a Traffic Management Plan?

A Traffic Management Plan (TMP) is a detailed plan that covers all the key information of how your project or event will impact traffic, how it will be managed and what you will do to keep everyone safe. A TMP is required in accordance with the Road Management Act 2004, the Road Safety Act 1986 and the Australian Standard AS 1742.3 2009 Traffic control devices for works on roads.
To be compliant, a TMP must be prepared by a qualified person. For the best outcome, it is recommended you engage a reputable traffic management company who has well-established relationships with local councils. The TMP must include the physical structure of any proposed alterations to traffic flow in diagrammatic form, along with a scope of works detailing positioning of vehicles, personnel and equipment. It is also essential to provide a Safe Method Work Statement, site-specific Job Safety Analysis and public liability and indemnity insurance information as part of the planning process.
When is a Traffic Management Plan required by council?

Most councils in Melbourne now require a TMP if your development or event will cause temporary changes to traffic conditions, road or footpath closures, or any traffic detours, so it’s essential to check with the relevant council or your traffic management company to be sure you tick all the boxes you need to be fully compliant. It’s important to note you may also need to submit a TMP to VicRoads in addition to your local council if the works are taking place on an arterial road, so be sure to clarify if this will be required too.
How do I submit a Traffic Management Plan to the council?

Once you have a TMP that has been prepared by a professional traffic consultant in accordance with the relevant standards, you can then submit your application online via the applicable council’s website. When completing the application, make sure all fields are completed accurately (street name/s, applicant details, description of works, proposed date and time of works) and you have attached all the required documents. This will generally include a Worksite Hazard Assessment Checklist and your Traffic Management Plan.
Lead times on processing your application will vary from council to council, but it is highly advisable to allow as much time as possible before the start date to avoid delays. As a guide, the Road Management Act 2004 requires submissions to be assessed within 20 days, however, Cardinia Shire Council, for example, aims to respond within a week, while the City of Kingston Council aims for within 10 days. If you are on a tight schedule it’s best to talk to your traffic management partner or council directly to be sure your application is processed within the required time frame.
Who can help with Traffic Management Plans?

A qualified and experienced traffic management company such as MCS Traffic can help at every step of the way. From advising you on exactly which plans and permits are required, where and who they need to be submitted to, and what authorisation you’ll need to proceed, to preparing your TMP and undertaking the traffic control works themselves, we can make the process simple and ensure you’re fully compliant and keep everyone safe.
To find out how we can help with traffic management on your next project, get in touch with our friendly team on 03 8592 8130, submit an online quote enquiry, or download our pricing today.