If you’re managing an event or conducting site works on or near a roadway, you’ll need to organise some form of traffic control to get the job done. Depending on the impact on the traffic, it could be as simple as a few static signs or require a crew to enforce and manage speed reductions or lane closures.
This means not only mapping out the time it will take and factoring in the added costs in your project budget, but also ensuring you have all the required plans, permits and other necessary documents in place to ensure the works are fully compliant and there’s no issues when it’s time to start.
The plans and permits you’ll need depend on the type of road, the length of the works and where they are situated. For shorter projects, you’ll typically need to submit a Traffic Guidance Scheme (TGS) to the Coordinating Road Authority for approval, while for longer projects, a more detailed Traffic Management Plan (TMP) will be needed. Both the TGS and TMP need to be prepared by a professional traffic consultant or company and be in accordance with Australian Standard AS 1742.3 2009 for approval to be granted. Our experienced team can prepare the plans to the highest standard and complete the submission to ensure timely approval.
So, to help you understand more about TGS and TMPs and some of the other requirements of traffic control which you might need for your upcoming projects, we’ve put together this brief overview.
Traffic Guidance Scheme

A Traffic Guidance Scheme is a visual guide showing critical site information and how traffic control devices will be implemented to change the existing road and footpath conditions. It also sets out emergency vehicle and public transport allowances, traffic controller instructions and signage requirements. The TGS is generally shown on an A3 document that is clear and simple to follow, providing a handy all-in-one visual overview of how traffic control will be managed in your short-term project.
Traffic Management Plan

If your project will require long-term traffic control, or the event or planned works requires major changes such as a road closure, you will need a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) instead of a TGS. The TMP will cover the scope of works detailing the positioning of vehicles, personnel and equipment, and clearly show in diagrammatic form the physical structure of any proposed alteration to traffic flow. It will also include more detail than the TGS, with information on public liability and indemnity insurance, a Safe Work Method Statement and site specific Job Safety Analysis to ensure safety and compliance for the duration of the road closure.
Coordinating Road Authority

The road (or roads) you are working on will also have a Coordinating Road Authority (CRA). If you are conducting works in, on, under or over a road, road reserve, medians, service road, pathways or nature strips, you will need to seek approval from the CRA to commence the works (unless you are exempt, which we will advise). The CRA may be VicRoads (generally for freeways and arterials) or the local council (for municipal roads). It is to this relevant authority that we will send the TGS or TMP for approval. If you need to use traffic control devices through the worksite, submitting a TMP along with a Memorandum of Authority (MoA) application is a requirement of getting authorisation to proceed. The MoA authorises the traffic controllers to erect and remove any traffic control devices necessary on site. You can find out who the relevant CRA is for roads throughout Victoria on the maps of declared roads page on the VicRoads website.
The good news is … we’ll take care of it for you

While there is a lot to manage and coordinate when you require roadworks on your site, the good news is that when you work with MCS Traffic, we will take care of all the planning, leg work and follow up required to make it happen.
So, if you have a job in the pipeline and are looking for more information, download our traffic control services price guide, submit an online booking, or contact our team today.